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Lexchain: Blockchain, Bitcoin, formazione e strategie legali e contrattuali.

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Ultimi argomenti trovati in 3 risorse su 431 in totale:
Tutti / Fediverso: caffe20 client crotta fediverso mastodon nostr relay ux video
Clients Docs · 2023-03-10 1 min Clients are the way that you access and interact with the Nostr protocol.What's a client?A client in Nostr is just the app that you use to access and interact with the protocol. It's like the Twitter iOS app or web app that you use to interact with Twitter's feed of tweets.Becaus
UseNostr · 2023-03-10 6 min 🤸 AccountsIn nostr you don't need to register for an account by using personal data.Like in Bitcoin, you just need a set of keys. Two keys to be precise:🏷️ A public key: Which will act as your username. This key can be shared and will be public to everyone. 🔑 A private
Intro a Nostr Protocol | Blockchain Caffe · 2023-03-10 < 1 min [embedded content]
Ultimi argomenti trovati in 3 risorse su 431 in totale:
Tutti / Fediverso: caffe20 client crotta fediverso mastodon nostr relay ux video

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Uno dei temi trattati:
"La blockchain è il partner tecnologico nell'informatica, la legge il partner tecnologico nella realtà "