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EU backs Data Act with clause to shut off smart contracts · 2023-12-02 1 min The Act, inclusive of a clause necessitating “kill switches” on smart contracts, only now needs approval from the European Council to pass into law. 10622 Total views 52 Total shares Listen to article News Join us on social networks The European Parliament has vot
Perché l’Europa ha bisogno di un euro digitale · 2023-06-28 4 min Il mondo intorno a noi sta cambiando. La digitalizzazione sta trasformando la nostra società in modi che solo dieci anni fa sarebbe stato arduo immaginare. Stanno cambiando anche le nostre abitudini di pagamento. In particolare, i cittadini mostrano una crescente preferenza vers
Paradise lost? How crypto failed to deliver on its promises and what to do about it · 2023-06-28 16 min Speech by Fabio Panetta, Member of the Executive Board of the ECB, at a panel on the future of crypto at the 22nd BIS Annual Conference, 23 June 2023IntroductionSome 15 years ago, software developers using the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto created the source code of what they thoug
EU data bill threatens to upend smart contracts in potential blow for DeFi · 2023-06-15 5 min Leaked draft of the legislation shows that policymakers are weighing measures that may require drastic design changes to smart contracts. Proposal may cloud EU’s regulatory clarity as US crypto founders eye the bloc amid crackdown. The latest draft of proposed legislation windi
Regolamento europeo 2023/1114 relativo ai mercati delle cripto attività · 2023-06-14 480 min REGOLAMENTO (UE) 2023/1114 DEL PARLAMENTO EUROPEO E DEL CONSIGLIO del 31 maggio 2023 relativo ai mercati delle cripto-attività e che modifica i regolamenti (UE) n. 1093/2010 e (UE) n. 1095/2010 e le direttive 2013/36/UE e (UE) 2019/1937 (Testo rilevante ai fini del SEE) IL PAR
Parlamento europeo approva il MiCA, il quadro normativo sulle criptovalute · 2023-04-21 1 min Dopo due posticipi consecutivi, il Parlamento europeo ha completato la votazione finale in merito al Markets in Crypto-Assets Act (MiCA). Ora la legislazione, introdotta per la prima volta nel 2020, dovrà essere approvata dal Consiglio europeo prima di poter diventare una vera
EU Crypto Regulations Pass as Policymakers Claim Advantage Over US · 2023-04-21 4 min How do you deal with a problem like crypto?While American regulators and lawmakers quibble over how to properly oversee the infamously tumultuous digital asset industry, the European Union (EU) Thursday (April 20) became one of the first jurisdictions in the world to actually int
TechDispatch #1/2023 Central Bank Digital Currency · 2023-03-31 29 min Countries around the world are examining whether they should offer central bank money to the public not only as banknotes and coins, but also in digital form.The fact that the majority of central banks around the world have already started exploring the possibility of launching
Silvergate Bank · 2023-03-10 5 min Silvergate BankTypePublicTraded asNYSE: SIIndustryFinancial services, cryptocurrencyFounded1988 (re-capitalized and reorganized into a bank in 1996)FoundersDennis Frank and Derek J. Eisle (1996 re-capitalization)DefunctMarch 9, 2023 (2023-0

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