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EU Council discusses Digital Euro: And how much privacy should it be? · 2024-07-07 7 min Member states are negotiating rules for the planned digital currency, in particular exemptions from surveillance for offline transactions. A planned „single access point“ is a cause for concern, but additional privacy rules are also on the table. We publish working document
BfDI Press Berlin Group adopts working paper on digital central bank money · 2024-07-04 1 min The International Working Group on Data Protection in Technology (IWGDPT), the so-called "Berlin Group", chaired by the BfDI, has adopted a working paper on digital central bank money. The paper describes important privacy-related risk factors and provides practical recommendatio
ECB publishes first progress report on digital euro preparation phase · 2024-06-24 5 min ECB designing high privacy standards to make online and offline digital payments as close as possible to cash transactions ECB started work on designing methodology for calibrating digital euro holding limits ECB continues to provide technical input to legislative discussions wit
Pirates: EU cash cap and ban on anonymous hosted crypto wallets results in financial paternalism · 2024-04-25 2 min The majority of the EU Parliament will later today approve far-reaching new anti-money laundering laws: Anonymous cash payments over €3,000 will be banned in commercial transactions. Cash payments over €10,000 will even be completely banned in business transactions. And anony
Dal 2026 i cittadini dell’Ue potranno avere un’identità digitale europea · 2024-03-26 2 min Bruxelles – L’identità digitale europea presto sarà realtà. A quasi tre anni dalla proposta della Commissione Europea, è arrivato oggi (26 marzo) il via libera definitivo dal Consiglio dell’Ue alla definizione di un portafoglio digitale disponibile e riconosciuto in tut
“Digital euro”: Pirate amendments want to enable real digital cash · 2024-01-12 1 min Avviso contenuto: On Monday, the negotiating teams in the European Parliament’s LIBE Committee will discuss amendments for the first time. Pirate Party MEP Patrick Breyer, his group’s lead negotiator in the LIBE … O
Edpb letter european payments council psd2 en · 2023-12-05 < 1 min wallabag can't retrieve contents for this article. Please troubleshoot this issue.
EU Parliament Approves Data Act With Smart Contract Kill Switch Provision · 2023-12-02 1 min May 29-31, 2024 - Austin, TexasThe biggest and most established global hub for everything crypto, blockchain and Web3.Register NowShare on FacebookShare on LinkedInMembers of the European Parliament voted Thursday to approve a Data Act containing a controversial clause that coul
EU backs Data Act with clause to shut off smart contracts · 2023-12-02 1 min The Act, inclusive of a clause necessitating “kill switches” on smart contracts, only now needs approval from the European Council to pass into law. 10622 Total views 52 Total shares Listen to article News Join us on social networks The European Parliament has vot

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