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EU Council discusses Digital Euro: And how much privacy should it be? · 2024-07-07 7 min Member states are negotiating rules for the planned digital currency, in particular exemptions from surveillance for offline transactions. A planned „single access point“ is a cause for concern, but additional privacy rules are also on the table. We publish working document
edpb letter european payments council psd2 en · 2023-12-05 < 1 min wallabag can't retrieve contents for this article. Please troubleshoot this issue.
Digital euro: ensuring the highest data protection and privacy standards | European Data Protection Board · 2023-10-23 3 min Brussels, 18 October  - The European Data Protection Board (edpb) and the European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) issued a Joint Opinion on the proposed Regulation on the digital euro as a central bank digital currency. The digital euro aims to provide individuals with the p
Digital euro: ensuring the highest data protection and privacy standards | European Data Protection Supervisor · 2023-10-19 3 min Brussels, 18 October - The European Data Protection Board (edpb) and the European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) issued a Joint Opinion on the proposed Regulation on the digital euro as a central bank digital currency. The digital euro aims to provide individuals with the poss
Digital Euro: acting for a privacy friendly model · 2023-02-06 3 min The digital euro: what is at stake for the freedoms of citizens The European Central Bank (ECB) has launched in the summer of 2021 an investigation phase to develop a digital form of the euro. For this institution, one of the objectives is to maintain a link between citizens and
Euro numérique : agir pour un modèle respectueux de la vie privée · 2023-02-02 3 min L’euro numérique : des risques pour les libertés des citoyens français et européensLa Banque centrale européenne (BCE) a lancé à l’été 2021 une phase d’investigation pour développer une forme numérique de l’euro. Pour cette institution, l’un des objectifs es
I pagamenti nel commercio elettronico: una mappa per orientarsi · 2022-10-30 67 min I pagamenti nel commercio elettronico: una mappa per orientarsi 2 Sommario INTRODUZIONE ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ .... 4 A chi è rivolto questo documento?

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Seguo le blockchain dal 2017. Ho tenuto un corso e ho redatto i materiali di quel corso. Oggi aggiorno dal mio podcast,