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PAe La AEPD publica una nota técnica en relación con Blockchain y el derecho de supresión · 2025-01-13 1 min La Agencia Española de Protección de Datos ha publicado una  nota técnica en relación con Blockchain y el derecho de supresión . La Prueba de Concepto que se presenta en este documento demuestra la viabilidad de construir infraestructuras Blockchain que permitan cumplir con
La Commissione ha firmato la convenzione quadro del Consiglio d'Europa sull'intelligenza artificiale e i diritti umani, la democrazia e lo Stato di diritto · 2024-09-09 3 min La vicepresidente della Commissione europea responsabile per i Valori e la trasparenza, Věra Jourová, ha firmato a nome dell'Unione europea la convenzione quadro del Consiglio d'Europa sull'intelligenza artificiale e i diritti umani, la democrazia e lo Stato di diritto. Ciò è
La Agencia ordena una medida cautelar que impide a Worldcoin seguir tratando datos personales en España | AEPD · 2024-03-23 2 min La AEPD, que exige el cese en la recogida y tratamiento de categorías especiales de datos personales así como el bloqueo de los ya recopilados, ha recibido varias reclamaciones denunciando, entre otros aspectos, una información insuficiente, la captación de datos de menores o
Commission welcomes final agreement on EU Digital Identity Wallet · 2023-11-16 < 1 min wallabag can't retrieve contents for this article. Please troubleshoot this issue.
Digital euro: ensuring the highest data protection and privacy standards | European Data Protection Board · 2023-10-23 3 min Brussels, 18 October  - The European Data Protection Board (EDPB) and the European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) issued a Joint Opinion on the proposed Regulation on the digital euro as a central bank digital currency. The digital euro aims to provide individuals with the p
Digital euro: ensuring the highest data protection and privacy standards | European Data Protection Supervisor · 2023-10-19 3 min Brussels, 18 October - The European Data Protection Board (EDPB) and the European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) issued a Joint Opinion on the proposed Regulation on the digital euro as a central bank digital currency. The digital euro aims to provide individuals with the poss
The slippery slope towards digital surveillance · 2023-09-19 < 1 min The slippery slope towards digital surveillanceiOSAndroidWe examine the civil liberties implications of monitoring all cryptocurrency transactions. We look at the data privacy costs of reigning in the dark web. And we do it all with Marta Belcher, special...We examine the ci
Digital Identity Standards · 2023-07-06 < 1 min DownloadPDF document, 2.26 MB This report gives an overview of the most important standards and standardisation organisations in this area. This information is useful for the novice, to find out what is available, but also for more experienced readers who might not be aware
The EU Digital Identity Wallet: Episode 1 An Overview · 2023-02-26 2 min EDPS traineesWhat is it and how does it work? What are its key data protection benefits and risks?Welcome to the first episode of a three-part podcast series focused on the EU Digital Identity Wallet (DIW), organised by the trainees of the European Data Protection Supervisor and

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Seguo le blockchain dal 2017. Ho tenuto un corso e ho redatto i materiali di quel corso. Oggi aggiorno dal mio podcast,