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Lexchain: Blockchain, Bitcoin, formazione e strategie legali e contrattuali.

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Ultimi argomenti trovati in 3 risorse su 431 in totale:
Tutti / Subscriptions: binance bitcoin caffe20 fraud lightning network nft ordinals pakistan podcast satoshi scam subscriptions
What’s in a Boostagram? · 2023-02-26 4 min A boostagram is a short text message attached to a voluntary value-for-value payment integrated into modern Podcasting 2.0 apps. The payment and the message are direct, peer-to-peer, enabled by Bitcoin’s Lightning Network. If all of this sounds like gibberish to you, you are in
Digital Artifacts Ordinal Theory Handbook · 2023-02-04 1 min Imagine a physical artifact. A rare coin, say, held safe for untold years in the dark, secret clutch of a Viking hoard, now dug from the earth by your grasping hands. It… …has an owner. You. As long as you keep it safe, nobody can take it from you. …is complete. It has no
Pakistan issues notice to cryptocurrency exchange in $100 mn scam | #phishing | #scams · 2022-01-08 2 min Pakistan’s Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) said that it had issued a notice to Binance, a cryptocurrency exchange, during the investigation of an alleged cryptocurrency scam involving around $100 million. The notice called the general manager or growth analyst of Binance
Ultimi argomenti trovati in 3 risorse su 431 in totale:
Tutti / Subscriptions: binance bitcoin caffe20 fraud lightning network nft ordinals pakistan podcast satoshi scam subscriptions

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Uno dei temi trattati:
"La blockchain è lo strumento per gestire transazioni sicure tra sconosciuti"