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Clients Docs · 2023-03-10 1 min Clients are the way that you access and interact with the Nostr protocol.What's a client?A client in Nostr is just the app that you use to access and interact with the protocol. It's like the Twitter iOS app or web app that you use to interact with Twitter's feed of tweets.Becaus
UseNostr · 2023-03-10 6 min 🤸 AccountsIn nostr you don't need to register for an account by using personal data.Like in Bitcoin, you just need a set of keys. Two keys to be precise:🏷️ A public key: Which will act as your username. This key can be shared and will be public to everyone. 🔑 A private
Intro a Nostr Protocol | Blockchain Caffe · 2023-03-10 < 1 min [embedded content]
Digital Euro: acting for a privacy friendly model · 2023-02-06 3 min The digital euro: what is at stake for the freedoms of citizens The European Central Bank (ECB) has launched in the summer of 2021 an investigation phase to develop a digital form of the euro. For this institution, one of the objectives is to maintain a link between citizens and
Euro numérique : agir pour un modèle respectueux de la vie privée · 2023-02-02 3 min L’euro numĂ©rique : des risques pour les libertĂ©s des citoyens français et europĂ©ensLa Banque centrale europĂ©enne (BCE) a lancĂ© Ă  l’étĂ© 2021 une phase d’investigation pour dĂ©velopper une forme numĂ©rique de l’euro. Pour cette institution, l’un des objectifs es
Nostr: il Twitter decentralizzato contro la censura · 2023-01-13 8 min Nostr, diventato popolare negli ultimi tempi, è un protocollo “aperto” (decentralizzato e non peer-to-peer) che promette di costituire il piĂą grande social network immune alla censura Nostr e il problema dei socialI social sono cresciuti nella loro storia parallelamente al
Cookie Miner Mac Trojan – How to Remove It (Update August 2019) · 2022-02-07 13 min by Ventsislav Krastev   |  July 11, 2019  |  0 Comments   Mac, Mac malware, Mac Virus, MacOS Threat SummaryCookie Miner – How Did I Get It and What Does It Do?Remove Cookie Miner Trojan from Your Mac Update August 2019. What is Cookie Miner? How to remove Cookie Miner? H
DarkSide Update: The FBI Hacks the Hackers?—Wolfram Blog · 2021-12-19 3 min In my May 25, 2021, blog post “Sleuthing DarkSide Crypto-Ransom Payments with the Wolfram Language,” I detailed how I used the Wolfram Language, public knowledge and some guesswork to track crypto-ransom payments made by Colonial Pipeline on May 8 and Brenntag on May 11 to th
Crypto design challenges · 2021-11-28 23 min It’s still early days in crypto.That’s what you’ll hear everywhere when you start digging into crypto and web3 today. For most new users this unfortunately feels a bit closer to the wild west. There are a myriad of situations where they might not know what's happening and

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"La blockchain è il partner tecnologico nell'informatica, la legge il partner tecnologico nella realtà "